
欧博体育 年度优品推荐——天坛家具


Under the national industrial strategy, the China National Furniture Association initiated a promotion 🌳event named “2021 Excellent China Furniture Products” this February. Through our multiple media channels both at home and abroad,💫 the China National Furniture Association displays some selected furniture products that are designed and made during the industrial transformation and upgrading process. We hereby encourage innovation competitiveness in the industry and highlight Chinese brands' images on the global market.

在我国家私装饰欧博体育 网站官方网微信支付“在我国家私装饰家具当年度优品网”系列作品更新将按时上传成功入选的202半年底前美国上市货品,喜爱相应的企业、开发师、本科学校重置观注!

Our WeChat page will upd꧃ate t𝔍he “Excellent China Furniture Products” series in the following weeks. All these products have been launched to the market before the end of 2021. Subscribe and follow us!

Beijing Yuanhengli Hardwood Furniture Co., Ltd.

欧博体育 协会副理事长单位、2021年欧博体育 行业领军企业。创建于1956年,是金隅集团旗下的核心公司之一,是目前国内家居行业中唯一一家大型国有控股企业,拥有十余家分子公司和5大建材品牌,主要业务范围包括商用办公家具业务、民用家居业务、门窗及固装业务、人造板及其深加工业务以及红木业务。公司现有员工近2000人,注册资金12.7亿元,资产总额逾27亿元。

天坛家具北京分公司和体验性中心设置在重庆,还有着安平公司、唐山曹妃甸和重庆西三旗中国三大产生机地,总土地征用面積约70万平米,拥用独立的的科研重点和装饰建材验测实验性室。物料排头兵在了英国C👍ARB认真、EPA认可、GREEN GUARD身份验证、FSC原始林指标体系注册、美国F4星申请认♊证服务及中国国内各类生态质理管理体系申请认证服务,厂品其主要卖往北美洲和欧洲等国家省份和省份。

The company does such comprehensive business as R&D, design & production, sales and service of Chinese hardwood furniture in the style of Ming and Qing dynasties. With the goal of “Being a brand known both at home and overseas” and the social responsibility of “crafting artistic furniture with traditional culture”, the company has become one of the most influential leaders in China’s rosewood furniture industry. It follows the business principle of integrity, practicality, innovation and excellence and earns reputation through their outstanding and good-quality products.


MUSHINE-1W180精选乌金木,结合精湛的加工工艺和创造性的设计要素,给人一种温柔舒适的家居体验。欧博体育 聚焦木材天然细腻质感,创造材料的无限可能性,在创造与周围环境互动的产品时,会将“体验设计理论”引入其中,在设计实木家具的途中,去注重人与家具亲身接触的体验过程,提升消费群体在接触实木家具时的幸福感,欧博体育 致力于探索新的技术和方法,让购买者体验一种新材料是如何随着时间的推移而发挥作用,它激起了欧博体育 的设计初心,使欧博体育 专注于材料原本无限可能性,并且欧博体育 使用环保的水性漆,它既可以展现复制木材柔软的表面,又可以突出木纹原本的结构。它提供了耐用,完整的表面,年复一年地保持美丽。这款床采用四块整板进行花色、纹理和造型的组合,达到美感与实用的统一。
This sofa is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. It expresses best wishes for the country's prosperity and peace. Made of red sanders and crafted with complex techniques, the sofa displays a full picture of mountains and rivers, bringing the sense of nature to users. The poetic comment -- “Mountain and river show up in front of you, but when near you hear no sound of waters” -- vividly describes how viewers will feel when appreciating this piece of art. Its style is in concord with modern living room but also accentuates the elegance of the interior atmosphere.

國家的居研究会官网微信qq将定期参与研发推出“๊國家的居年末尚品”,并在研究会承办的《國家的居年鉴》、《通信设备》、官网平台网站、宣导册等推广渠道,看向我国国内区政府危险机关、各业业参与、科技院所、设计的企业,或者欧洲近50个國家的和地的國家的级业参与、驻华使领馆、驻华企业、国外参与、国外国际展会等参与宣导。如遇相应的协议有意向的客户,欢迎会找话题国内 家私家具医学会划算(国.际)协议部010-87766821。

Apart from Wechat, the “Excellent China Furniture Products” are compiled on the China Furniture YearbookCommunication journal, website, and overseas brochures. The promotion covers domestic governmental minitries and agencies, industrial organizations, educational institutions, design studios, and more than 50 🐈countries or regions' national industrial organizations, embassies and consulates, foreign official agencies in China,  international organizations and exhibitions. Welcome to contact the CNFA International Department by +86 10 87766821 for any cooperation needs.

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